Increased time limit - more than 5 minutes
Aayush Grover
Longer video length.
Note: If you still only have a 3 minute maximum, please update to the latest version of the app.
Bruno Picinini
notify me please
Gonzalo Mongrut
Hello there! I'm specifically interested in having the AI editing feature available for longer horizontal format videos on desktop. I want to be able to edit longer YouTube videos (automatically edited), and then, from the same video, create different short-format videos that can also be automatically edited—all without needing to use another software to import, cut, export, import to your captions platform, etc.
I'm sure there are many people who want this same thing. Content creators want to be able to share on multiple platforms, and the easier it is to edit, the better. Your platform has great potential, I think—it just needs some improvements. Thank you! :)
Anne Marie Roberts
be great if can do more then 44 seconds
Rahul Kukadiya
We need longer limit for translation and dubbing. at least 120min. Thanks
Oliver Degnan
I would like to be notified
Pls notify me on and for new updates
Baruch Gordon
I too would like to be notified when you extend the duration. Many thanks.
videoclips realestate
I would like to be notified when you extend the duration. Many thanks.
Sergio Lopez
I would like to be notified when you extend the duration. Many thanks.
Félix familia
Gostaria de ser avisado quando conseguirem colocar escolha do tempo de roteiro entre 1 e 5 minutos ou mais de 2 minuto por favor! Espero que não demorem!!
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